Date: 15th of November 2024
Entrance:1.6m Materials:Concrete, Brick Shapes:Box, Round
I met up with JustOne one warm day in melbourne to go explore some drains. We were going to do 69er but the tide had risen so we couldnt go in through the outflow, and not feeling like manholing in we moved on to our next drain, Mini maze.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Kinda cool drain but its pretty short. The photos do make this one look better than it actually is. The first concrete box section is a nice walk and escape from the heat but there really isnt much to see apart from the grille room at the end.
You can keep going past the junction room, it might open up, but its very stoopy. We didnt bother going any further than here. Ive heard it loops up or something but it was too low to bother with this day, we had many many more drains planned to do. Maybe ill continue next time I do this one.
All up this was a very mid but not bad drain.