
Date: 12th of Decmember 2024

Entrance: 2m RCP Materials: Brick, Plastic, Concrete Shapes: Balloon, Round, Arch

One day we gathered to check out this drain that was rated pretty highly in the drain guide, and to be fair it was a pretty alright drain.

It started off as this squished plastic section before opening up into possibly the biggest stint of brick balloon ive seen in a drain. As cool as it was, the balloon shape is pretty annoying to walk through especially when its a kilometre and a half walk.

Rating: ★★★★☆

strange gated entrance
big balloon

We walked for a while until we hit this metal wall with a slither of space up the top. We managed to get over the wall but it was very much a pain in the ass.

the evil wall

Over the wall the drain gets a bit more interesting. You're plopped into a concrete chamber where the upstream goes to a cool little but low grille room and the downstream slides and curves around the older sections of the drain. This section continues until it becomes submerged by the creek.

From the wall junction there is an old brick arch part that splits into two smaller brick oval shapes, there doesnt seem to be much down them but its still pretty cool seeing the old section of what was once connected directly to the big balloon part at the start.